x.X. T H E B E G I N I N G .X.x

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:: R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S |


The rules and plot are located in this board. Pleas look in here before explorein the site. It will help you understand it :].

2 2 || Rules !
by rumor victoria chevelle
Feb 24, 2009 14:31:28 GMT -5
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:: A N N O U N C E M E N T S |


All Announcements and new updates will be posted here. So check here for new stuff frequintly.

4 12 New Species
by jacob envy lorcan
Jul 30, 2009 16:58:04 GMT -5
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:: Q U E S T I O N S & A N S W E R S |


If you dont understand something or you need help ust ask here. Dont be shy, everybody needs help sometimes.

1 1 Question
by seraphina b isadora halifax
Aug 14, 2009 0:08:54 GMT -5

x.X. T H E P R E T T Y F A C E S .X.x

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:: T R Y O U T S |


This is were you post your application. The form for your characters bio is also found here.

2 2 Character info.. info on species.(UPDATED JULY 23)
by rumor victoria chevelle
Feb 24, 2009 19:35:02 GMT -5
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:: T H E V A U L T |


This is where your application will be moved when its been accepted.

31 45 Strawberry Miranda Fields
by strawberry miranda fields
Jul 28, 2009 14:47:30 GMT -5
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:: T H E C L A I M S |


Claim everything here. Dont skip this please, we need you to claim stuff.

by rumor victoria chevelle
Jun 16, 2009 0:51:39 GMT -5

x.X. E X T R A S .X.x

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:: R E L A T I O N S H I P P L O T S |


Post your relation ship plots here.

13 43 ( the horror of our love )
by Chaingeafe
May 6, 2019 23:29:30 GMT -5
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:: I N S T A N T M E S S A G E |


Talk to your buddies insantly and online here.

5 140 I Wanna Fix N O W!-Open
by delilah mary jane portman
Aug 13, 2009 20:34:27 GMT -5
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:: C E L L P H O N E S |


Talk on your pretty phones for hours here.

14 47 Hey Danny !
by ypiq
Apr 21, 2019 9:16:31 GMT -5

x.X. S T U C K I N T H E M I D D L E .X.x

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:: S H I V V E R S M A L L |


Come to the mall and chill. Theres an arcade and everything at this mall.

1 12 Your F A M O U S. OPEN
by danielle elizabeth star
Jul 19, 2009 20:52:35 GMT -5
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:: T H E Z O N E |
- 1 Viewing


A peircing and tattoo shop. It also sells t-shirts cds and any emo/punks dream stuff x)

1 32 pain`without fucking love-OPEN-ish
by miha(jenn) vulcan
Jul 24, 2009 0:04:15 GMT -5
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:: P A C I F I C T H E A T E R |


Welcome tp the theater! Unfortunantly, there is no way that they can keep all the crying babies in the back of the theater quiet, but at least it is moderately clean!

1 12 im not ashamed--opensss
by Ronnie Karr Reason
Jul 29, 2009 1:32:11 GMT -5
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:: S Y M M E T R Y C E M E T E R Y |


The cemetery. Ever since the 18 and 1900s this has been a popular hangout sight! And a good place to put your dead loved ones (or not so loved ones).

2 6 ``gravedancers {open}
by hale znader .,
Jul 26, 2009 0:45:46 GMT -5
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:: B O N A P P E T I T E |


Welcom to Bon Appetite, ma chere! One of the only places you can get high quality food in a high quality enviroment. All of the people who work here are dressed classy, and can speak french. This is not the place any everyday person would go for their dinner, and by the way that is all they serve. Dinner.

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:: M O D E R N E Y E S |


Welcome to the musium. This place will cater to anything your eyes are craving to see. Every form of art to every form of science!

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:: W A L L Y W O R L D A . K. A W A L M A R T |


This is walwart, the place you go for everything.

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:: S T A R B U C K S |


Sip and coputerize or phononize, just do what ever you do and drink the very cafinated coffee.

1 11 Hot Ice- [O]
by carla katy znader
Aug 3, 2009 13:40:19 GMT -5
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:: L I P S A N D H E A R T B E A T S |


This is the consert hall. Allthough all shows aren't all ages, some are. This is just a normal place for bands to preform conserts.

1 38 ;;SETH-Listen to that beat
by seth reed cyrus
Aug 5, 2009 22:26:42 GMT -5
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:: T H E H O U S E S |


Welcome to the houses! This neiborhood is a typical one. Every house is different, and every street has its creepy house, and its ugly house.

1 1 [OPEN] And now you wish
by Bonnie Jackie Dearly
Jul 30, 2009 18:52:05 GMT -5
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:: F R E E F A L L E S T A T E S |


This is the apartment complex. There is a battered playground, and the further you get into the appartments the more morbid and run-down they look. But in the front looks great.

1 5 run for the money-carter
by miha(jenn) vulcan
Jul 14, 2009 2:03:36 GMT -5
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:: B O A R D W A L K |


Welcome to the boardwalk! During the day children come hear with their parents to have a good time. And at night the sights become beautiful. Lots of lights and the ocean shimmers.

2 68 I won't believe the lies that hide the truth[erin]
by jacob envy lorcan
Aug 14, 2009 11:56:24 GMT -5
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:: T H E B E A C H |


This is the beach! Smell the salty air, and see the weird people. There are no limits to how far into the ocean you can swim, if you want to.

2 71 Night Water Walk [O]
by star lacey dune
Aug 15, 2009 21:39:26 GMT -5
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:: B A T B A R |
- 1 Viewing


Anyone say goth strippers? Well this is a bar filled with freaks and strippers. It has goths, emos, scenes. You name it xD

1 3 We all die eventually -OPEN!!!!!-
by Ronnie Karr Reason
Jul 30, 2009 18:25:04 GMT -5
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:: I T S C O N T A G I O U S |


This is an old abandoned ware house, it nicknamed cause raves are constantly held here, and obviously its contagious.

1 1 what have i become--PAXTON
by miha(jenn) vulcan
Jul 23, 2009 0:56:11 GMT -5
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:: N O B H I L L |


Nob hill is the best place ever to find awsome and unique stores that arent located anywher else. Its located near the university do a lot of the kids from there hang out around there. theres also alot of places to eat around there to.

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:: N O B H I L L P A R K |


OMG ITS A SLIDE. This is the park here in no where. Learn to love it.

by carla katy znader
Jul 2, 2009 17:12:23 GMT -5
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:: R I C H A R D S O N U N I V E R S I T Y |


This is the univerity in te town. It teaches anything and everything.

1 13 Downtime ~Ess~
by Shyla Lynn Clashia
Jul 26, 2009 19:19:04 GMT -5
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:: W I L L I A M S B U R G H I G H S C H O O L |


The highschool of the town. Isnt it weird that theres schools in this place?

1 4 First day {open}
by carla katy znader
Jul 29, 2009 19:56:01 GMT -5
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:: J A C K S O N M I D D L E S C H O O L |


This is the only middle school located in this place, so yeah all the middle schoolers go to it.

1 25 Try not to miss me when I'm gone [open]
by Shyla Lynn Clashia
Jul 16, 2009 0:07:50 GMT -5
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:: G L O W S T I C K S |


Glow sticks is always full of life and people are always having fun. A lot of drug dealers can be found here. Its like a bar, strip club, and rave mixed together.

5 202 Ain't No Party Like A R-rated Party! (Open)
by Claire Born
Jul 30, 2009 9:53:34 GMT -5
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:: A N Y W H E R E E L S E |


This is anywhere else that a board wasnt made for.

2 36 Run ins and walkouts [Open]
by manuela mcgregor
Jul 25, 2009 1:25:31 GMT -5

x.X. O O C .X.x

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:: A D M I N B O A R D |


This Is the place were we Haunt you i your sleep. Jk this is where we talk about stuff *cough* like you *cough* Jk again we are talking about other stuffs for the board or like that.

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:: T R E A D T R A K E R S |


Ok so THIS is a place where people can come and post their thread trakers, and or where you can request on them to rp with a certain character. KAPISH?

4 9 My Lovely Puppets
by carla katy znader
Jul 26, 2009 21:16:28 GMT -5
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:: L E T S S I T A R O U N D T H E C A M P F I R E|


You can talk about anything here and you can also play games. have fun!

2 32 Boys vs. Girls
by manuela mcgregor
Aug 15, 2009 10:19:04 GMT -5
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:: G I V E M E |
- 1 Viewing


You can ask for anything here, weather it be a graphic or a sister.

5 32 Is Honesty The BEST Policy? ((Lover))
by strawberry miranda fields
Jul 30, 2009 0:04:47 GMT -5
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:: D R O P D E A D |


This is where threads that are finished go and or threads that havnt been replied to in awhile.

3 33 Im quite aware were dieing -jake-
by jacob envy lorcan
Jul 7, 2009 22:20:26 GMT -5
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:: G O O U T T H E D O O R |


If your leaving for awhile or quiting the site please post here saying so.

1 1 sorry guys.
by seraphina b isadora halifax
Aug 14, 2009 0:06:21 GMT -5
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:: A D V E R T I S I N G & A F F I L I A T I N G |


Please post your advertisements here along with affiliation banners if you want to affiliate with us.

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174 175 Give 'Em Hell, kid
by EllTers
Sept 26, 2019 17:16:19 GMT -5


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